Two new asian inspired offerings to help celebrate the new lunar year : The Year of the Rabbit
First is a set of rabbit bonsai and garden trees in various sizes.

Second is a lovely decor table celebrating the rabbit.

Two new asian inspired offerings to help celebrate the new lunar year : The Year of the Rabbit
First is a set of rabbit bonsai and garden trees in various sizes.
Second is a lovely decor table celebrating the rabbit.
Find our booth at the Orsy Event
FlyingArts is offering two new and exclusive items at the Orsy Event.
Snuggle up and watch the flakes fall in this asina inspired veiwing hut. The snow roof can be removed when spring arrives. There is also a snowfall cube you can place and invis to add to the ambiance. The hut has two sliding doors that open and close upon touch. The two sets of wintry artwork can be changed out with the seasons. We offer a regular size as well as one sized for Tiny and Dinkies, both run L$250 normally but will be on sale for L$190 at the event.
To keep you warm inside FlyingArts also offers a kotatsu that includes 9 meal choices as well as napping, relaxing, and social animations for up to four avatars. Regular sized offers 22 animations for each sitter at L$230. The Tiny Dinkies size offers 16 Tiny and 20 Dinkies animations per sitter for L$180.
FlyingArts offers up the snowy soft seating sets to coordinate with the snowy kotatsu and the viewing hut.
A new family and all avatar inclusive in-store sales event from Purple Sloth Productions.
FlyingArts Alfonzo Isle Outpost will host the display and sale vendors!
Our brand new, exclusive items for the event include:
Cute musical set of Fonzo the Snowman plays Let It Snow on touch is on sale for L$50 during the event
Also L$50 each are four fun doll sets all come with a decor and werable version of the winter stroller.
Finally we offer up some fun for everyone! Wearable sleds that fir reg, Tween, Youth, Toddler or Dinkies avatars. They feature particle snowflake trails and if you touch the body you can choose your favorite color of sled. This pack is only L$160 during the event.